Whitney Ogle

Ogle Headshot - Whitney Ogle


Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Areas of Expertise

  • Cannabis Use with Exercise
  • Cannabis & Sport Policy
  • Cannabis & Physical Therapy 

Whitney Ogle earned her Masters in Exercise Physiology, Doctorate of Physical Therapy, and Doctorate in Human Performance - Motor Learning & Control. She has been investigating the role of cannabis in exercise and physical therapy. She collaborates with other professors in HIIMR and with DPT professors to broaden our understanding of cannabis use in a variety of populations. 

Grants, Publications, Presentations, and Posters, etc.


Ogle, W., Gold, G., Coppen, L., Copriviza, C. (2022). How and why adults use cannabis during physical activity. Journal of Cannabis Research, 41(1), 1-10.

Ogle, W. (2021). Cannabis in Sport and Exercise. In The Routledge Handbook of Post-Prohibition Cannabis Research. Eds. Meisel, J. & Corva, D. Routledge. P. 117-127.


Deutsch, JN & Ogle, W. (2023). Congrats on the Autism: a Visual Project on the Use of Cannabis to Improve Movement Experiences in Autism. Cannabis Research Conference. Denver, CO, USA.

Ogle, W. (2022). Cannabis and Exercise: What we know, what we don’t, and why it matters. Keynote Lecture. Rocky Mountain ACSM Annual Conference. Golden, CO, USA.

Magnan, R, Bryan, A, Gibson, L, Ogle, W. (2022). Adapting to the widespread legalization of cannabis: Potential implications for physical activity behavior. Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD, USA.

Ogle, W, Meisel, J, Swartz, R. (Sept. 2020). Cannabis Use Patterns Under COVID-19. ICPSR Data Fair: Data in Real Life (online).https://youtu.be/zU4af8mO49c?t=669

Ogle, W. (2020). The Present and Future of Cannabis and Human Movement Research. California Conference on Motor Behavior, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Fullerton, CA

Ogle, W. (2019). The intersection of cannabis and physical therapy practice. California Physical Therapy Association. Continuing education webinar